However, I am the happiest when I am chasing the light during a photography workshop to capture that once in a lifetime photos. To visually and emotionally experience a culture and society, a professional photographer is the ultimate way to do it, and I will deliver a perspective of Japan you could never have imagined being possible.
Too often I see photographers focusing on one, or possibly, two themes. As a teacher of the visual arts, I feel this is a catastrophic mistake. As the zen master, D.T. Suzuki said, “I like zen because everything is zen.” My vision is to explore and always experience life with the beginner’s mind. A beginner sees myriad possibilities in each theme and pursuit, and that is the mindset I bring to each project I participate in. Many colleagues and fellow photographers feverishly hold onto their pride and feel that because they are experts, they know the best expression of a theme and therefore limit the potential of the photographic subject. My goal is to discover the emotion, the personality, and connection expressed in the subject to myself and fellow visual artists. That subject can be wildlife, landscapes, flowers, or street photography. Virtually anything that has light cast upon it can be that subject, even if I am the author of that light source.